Sunday, March 24, 2019

The Parish Walk is a long way...

No matter which way you look at it, 85 miles is an incredible distance to walk, for anyone! There are things I have picked up along the way, so below is a list of things that I find help ME make the walk a little more comfortable (This is a list of what works for me, it may not work for everyone else).

- Vaseline … the advice I was given was if it moves oil it! So this is a must.
- Remove your rings as your hands will swell, and it’s uncomfortable if you have a ring digging in! (I wear no jewellery on the day) – Gloves can help with the swelling if bothers you.
- Don’t wear anything NEW, this is so important you have to test your kit out first. I have quite sensitive skin so normally wear my baselayer inside out as seams hate me.
- Don’t eat going up hill.
- Keep moving forward, try to keep stops to a minimum, any long stops can make you stiffen up.
- If you feel sick try eating.
- Make sure your support know what you have packed so they can offer you a variety later on when you forget what you have.
- If you have blisters try not to alter the way you walk, just keep walking on them and they will pop and feel better.
- Pack baby wipes they are perfect for freshening up and cleaning sticky hands, I keep mine in the cool box so they are nice and cold.
- I have a radio I play out loud from Maughold – this really helps lift me – absolute 80’s all the way home, or till the battery runs out whichever comes first.
- Salt tablets are great if you get cramps – (Up and Running have some great ones called salt sticks that you can chew).

Sleep – I find the Wednesday and Thursday before I get my best sleep, the night before I used to find almost impossible to get to sleep, worrying if I will make it round, will I oversleep and miss the start? Talking to Nigel Maddocks walking up the Sloc on my 5th parish walk he told me his secret was to have a glass of wine the night before, this seemed crazy to me, but he said it helped him get to sleep! So every year since on the Friday I will have 2 glasses of wine, and it actually works for me! I’m not suggesting a heavy night as that is ridiculous but for me it is part of my preparation!

One of the most important things to me after the training, is my support! They are the ones that will keep me going through any bad patches, they never make me feel like I am keeping them up. They spend the whole night (although in recent years the night has started to get shorter) driving round after me, filling up my drinks bottle and offering me whatever I ask for. I count on them to keep me going. Your support are a vital part of your success! Without them there would be no parish walk finish! Mine are simply the best.. I will do another post about them, and the little routine we have! But I have to say, Michelle, Allan and Lynne you are all amazing and I am very grateful for all you do for me.

We did a good 22 mile training walk last week. It was an 11 mile loop that we did twice, incorporating Ballakillowey and the Sloc TWICE! I walked the second lap quicker than the first which was nice. And despite the change in weather on the second lap I didn’t struggle and even managed to complete my mile run at the end of it as the clock had struck midnight so it counted for the next day.

I am looking forward to the Marathon and getting back to doing more training walks than runs!

90 Days to the Parish walk, 65 Days to our Holiday, 14 Days to the Marathon!
Happy Training Everyone!

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